Lubuntu to more people on more networks :)
Ioannis Vranos
ioannis.vranos at
Sun Feb 10 20:03:57 UTC 2013
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 9:57 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at> wrote:
>> All these are nice, however the truth is, Lubuntu is not ready for
>> inexperienced users.
>> Mainly because LXDE has not reached version 1.0, and some
>> functionality is missing, for example a menu editor (although I think
>> Lubuntu can use lxmed), or the ability to add new programs at Desktop
>> Session Settings.
>> Myself recommend Xubuntu, or Kubuntu, for inexperienced users (and
>> probably Ubuntu GNOME Remix at version 13.04).
> Hi there :)
> Thank you for taking the time to read and reply my email. I really
> appreciate that.
> Also, I'd like to thank you, yet again, for sharing your opinion with
> Lubuntu Community (Team Members and Users).
> You have indeed highlighted a very important point when you mentioned:
>> Lubuntu is not ready for inexperienced users
> Regardless whether I agree or disagree with the above opinion of yours, I
> would like to let you know that there is already a project that does take
> care of those inexperienced users and explain everything about the basics of
> Lubuntu from A-Z and after that, it is their own call whether to carry on or
> not :)
> That project called:
> It is true that LXDE and all its components have not yet reached the final
> version (AKA version 1.0). However, despite that fact, from real own
> experience of mine and many others, I can assure you that Lubuntu is ROCK
> SOLID indeed and when I say solid, I do mean it :)
> I've been on direct contact with users and as of now, no one is
> angry/upset/unhappy with Lubuntu. Even if there is one exists, be sure after
> he/she understands what is going on, he/she will change his mind and turn to
> be a happy user :)
> No, I'm not saying that because I love Lubuntu, everyone knows what I'm
> talking about is true.
> BUT ... it actually depends on 'YOUR needs'. Some may don't like Lubuntu for
> whatever reason (nothing is prefect - no one disagree with this rule) and
> obviously Lubuntu is not for them so it is better to look at another system.
> Now, here we come to the cross road where I have to disagree with you.
> The systems you mentioned are NOT as 'simple' as Lubuntu ;)
> Lubuntu is NOT about lightweight, it is about simplicity and simplicity is
> exactly what inexperienced users need :D
Myself am using Lubuntu, and yes I like its simplicity.
However I can't recommend it to inexperienced users, because of its
missing functionality.
However this gap is closing fast, and I think Lubuntu will be OK for
inexperienced users around 13.10/14.04.
Ioannis Vranos
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