Razor Qt and LXQt

PCMan pcman.tw at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 04:24:07 UTC 2013

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Rafael Laguna <rafaellaguna at ubuntu.com>wrote:

> As far as I know, it's just an experimental development, and as you
> noticed, session isn't integrated at all. It's not fully themeable, it
> lacks a lot of components and the QT environment parts are buggy and
> unstable. So no, there're no plans for doing nothing.
Not really. We already merged the code base and have a working LxQt desktop
session.The session manager part needs some work, though.
The git repository and other infrastructures, such as mailing list are now
being set up, but it's still a work in progress.
It's not yet ready for production use at the moment, but things will
We even got new developers after the switch to Qt.
So, please keep using the old gtk+ version now, and stay tunned.
LxQt is more than an experiment now.
It's still rough, but later it will be a working DE.

> Be careful with those packages, they're holded as a "cooking experiment"
> and could damage your system. Anyway, the PCManQT file manager is pretty
> stable, but using with a GTK environment has no sense.
> --
> Rafael Laguna
> Lubuntu Artwork Team
> 2013/12/29 Israel <israeldahl at gmail.com>
>> Hey has anyone else tried out Razor Qt?  As I understand it this will
>> eventually be fully merged with LXQt.  I have a session called Lubuntu
>> Qt (which basically locks up the computer forcing me to drop to a tty
>> and reboot), though I had hoped it would allow me to test out the
>> current state of LXQt.  Are there plans to add pcmanfmQt, and all the
>> other LXQt pieces into Trusty?  I have been contemplating switching my
>> machine over to Trusty pretty soon so start testing everything out, so I
>> am wondering if the components for LXQt are already in the repos for
>> Trusty, and if not if someone has a ppa that I can use to test it out.
>> Razor Qt is ok as a DE, but still missing a lot of features I like, and
>> can only use a handful of themes.
>> --
>> Regards
>> --
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