Lubuntu 13.10 with a non-pae kernel

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Sun Dec 29 16:51:25 UTC 2013

2013-12-29 02:42, Nio Wiklund skrev:
> 2013-12-29 00:52, Nio Wiklund skrev:
>> 2013-12-29 00:27, Nio Wiklund skrev:
>>> Phill Whiteside	wrote 6:57pm Dec 27:
>>>> Hi Folks, well you know me I've been working quietly to get a non-pae
>>>> kernel build for lubuntu 13.10 to happen. Lubuntu has done community
>>>> respins in the past. This was a little more difficult as it needed an
>>>> MOTU who is not a kernel person to actually build the kernel and then
>>>> another good guy to make a respin. Please do give a try of
>>>> if this works, we may be able to > expand.,,
>>> Back from Christmas celebration, I have run Joern's non-pae build of
>>> Lubuntu 13.10 live in an IBM Thinkpad T42 without a pae flag. The CPU is
>>> a Pentium M, so it is relevant for that catergory of CPUs (without a pae
>>> flag, but with pae capability).
>>> 1. It runs as it should (with zram etc, except that there is only the
>>> guest user, so I cannot run sudo). Anyway it is good as a test, that the
>>> kernel works without a pae flag :-)
>>> (I checked with md5sum that both of you Joern and Phill have uploaded
>>> the same version, the one I tested.)
>>> 2. Can *you* try to run it in a computer with a pre Pentium II CPU?
>>> (without PAE capability, so that fake-PAE won't help)
>>> 3. Is there some particular feature or program or task, that should be
>>> tested?
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
>> I could not install it into my IBM Thinkpad T42. It crashed at a rather
>> late stage (after downloading files, during installation of the system)
>> Best regards
>> Nio
> Now I have installed the kernel via hyperair's ppa into an already
> installed system Lubuntu 13.10 system (in a USB 3 pendrive).
> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hyperair/staging
> It runs, but the wired network won't connect in my new Toshiba with an
> i5 processor:
> linux-image- works like it should
> linux-image- works but has no wired network
> I can check in another computer, for example the Thinkpad with Pentium M
> ... It works, including the network :-)
> I wonder why the wired network won't work with this non-pae kernel in
> the modern computer (the Toshiba was bought in April 2013).
> It is the same problem in a Toshiba from 2010 with a Realtek ethernet
> card (that has 'always' worked with various linux versions). But the
> kernel works in a computer with an ASUS M2N-VM DVI mobo and a built-in
> nvidia ethernet chip from 2008. Maybe there is a problem with the driver
> for some Realtek chips/cards.
> Best regards
> Nio

*Tarball for the One Button Installer*

There is a new experimental tarball of Lubuntu 13.10 with this non-pae
kernel by hyperair. You are welcome to test it, but beware, it is an
early version, and you can expect that there are some problems. As
described yesterday, I cannot connect to wired internet (ethernet) in
Toshiba laptops with Realtek ethernet chips. But many things work as
they should.


Use this link

Best regards

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