Jupiter and Lubuntu 13.04

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 23:28:23 UTC 2013


Jupiter [1] is a very handy, useful and amazing tool/application. I always
have it on my machines.
I feel so bad now the project is stopped as per some of what I found on

It does work on Lubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 (just installed it and writing from
12.10 right now). However, it does not work with 13.04 :(


I hope this nice application won't die.

But for now, *is there another application that is equivalent or even

By the way, acpi is still not installed by default with Lubuntu but no big
deal [2]. Just wanted to mention that :)

Thank you!

[1] -

[2] - sudo apt-get install acpi

*Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
Start Lubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu#The_Huge_Project_-_Start_Lubuntu>
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