Problems Updating Lubuntu 12.04, 12.10, and 13.04 on Slow Machines

Aere Greenway Aere at
Sat Apr 13 20:04:17 UTC 2013

On 04/13/2013 01:08 PM, Yorvyk wrote:
> On 13/04/13 19:47, Mr Wislr wrote:
>> zram can be very helpful in very low ram situations as well
> I have found zram to be quite useful in machines with 128MiB to 1.5GiB 
> of RAM. Below 128MiB it seems to slow things down too much and above 
> 1.5GiB it doesn't seem to matter whether zram, a swap partition of 
> file is used.
> The installer for zram can be found here:-
> -- 
> Steve

Thank you for the information on this potentially helpful, and 
heretofore unknown option.

Since the machines in my test-bed are for testing whether my users can 
actually use such machines, I must avoid using anything a user would not 
be generally willing to try.

Certainly, if it isn't part of the normally-supported system, I would 
have to document its use.  And user's really prefer not to read things, 
if they can avoid it.

So even the idea of using terminal commands to apply updates is 
potentially a deal-killer.  Where my users are not usually computer 
professionals, adhering to rules to keep it easy for them is important.


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