Only for strong hearts :P

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at
Thu Apr 11 10:19:56 UTC 2013

Good morning, good day, good evening, hello wherever you are :D

Hope everyone is doing well :)

No, this is not a joke nor an email to get to know you :P I know most of
you already ;)

I'm sharing something with you that I wanted to do in ages and I'm glad I
finally did it.

I'm sharing with you my way of heavy testing or maybe crazy testing.

This is on Real Hardware - sorry, don't believe much in Virtual Machines :D<>

This is NOT A MUST - please understand you don't really have to do this.
ONLY if you are wiling to learn more, have fun, follow my approach, go for

I'm not responsible if you will see some smoke coming out from your machine
:P just kidding :)

Thank you!

*Best Regards,
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