LTSP local audio / sound not working on Lubuntu

John Hupp lubuntu at
Thu Sep 20 21:52:17 UTC 2012

I don't know if it has a bearing either!  :-)

On the face of it, one might say that it does not, since there is only 
the mobo-integrated sound hardware on both the server and client.

On 9/20/2012 5:33 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
> John:
> I don't know if this has a bearing on the problem you observed, but 
> (at least in Lubuntu 12.04) I have had to change the 
> "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" file (in the case where you have two 
> or more sound cards), so that the one not hooked up to the 
> speakers/amplifier will not get the first slot.
> It would usually initialize them in the same order, but occasionally, 
> there would be no sound, and I would notice (looking in the qjackctl 
> configuration) that the sound cards had opposite slots (were 
> initialized in a different order).
> In Ubuntu (and Kubuntu) you can indicate which sound card you use, and 
> it will respect that specification.  That has not been the case with 
> Lubuntu (11.10, and 12.04, at least).
> - Aere
> On Thu, 2012-09-20 at 17:20 -0400, John Hupp wrote:
>> I have been testing LTSP on Lubuntu and Edubuntu with simple 2-PC 
>> setups. 
>> I found today that local sound does not work right on the Lubuntu 
>> LTSP client.  On several client sessions, Audacious and Rhythmbox 
>> played MP3's over the speakers attached to the server.  On another 
>> session, Rhythmbox produced an error that is was not able to locate 
>> or open an output device, and Audacious simply did nothing.
>> I checked the client BIOS to make sure that sound was enabled.
>> On an Edubuntu client, local sound worked fine.
>> Is this a familiar problem to anyone?  Solution?
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Aere

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