[Lubuntu] Progress on playing a CD?

John Hupp lubuntu at prpcompany.com
Mon Sep 17 20:45:51 UTC 2012

Thanks for the tip about ubuntu-bug, Phill.  I didn't realize that there 
was such a tool to handle the gathering of background details.

OK, done on the bug filings:

Audacious: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/1052163

VLC: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/1052170

Gnome Mplayer: 

--John Hupp

On 9/16/2012 2:29 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi John,
> you have three different bugs with three different applications. I 
> know this may seem a pain, but raise one bug for each player. There is 
> work going on with other player bugs, so it will help out.
> thanks,
> Phill.
> On 16 September 2012 17:31, John Hupp <lubuntu at prpcompany.com 
> <mailto:lubuntu at prpcompany.com>> wrote:
>     That raises the question of what to file the bug report against.
>     -----------------
>     With Audacious, the inelegant process goes this way: Insert CD,
>     the popup with "Removable medium is inserted - Type of medium:
>     audio CD - Please select the action you want to perform" appears,
>     select Audacious.  Audacious opens.  Click the Play button. 
>     Nothing happens.  But in the menus, then choose Services: Play CD,
>     and it constructs a playlist and starts the first track.
>     With VLC, after choosing VLC in the popup and clicking the Play
>     button in VLC, another window appears where one must click the
>     Disc tab, choose Audio CD, then click the Play button in that window.
>     (I also find that VLC is more memory-sensitive than Audacious. 
>     Audacious performance for CD play is smooth on a machine with 386
>     MB, but VLC is choppy/stuttering badly and is not happy with less
>     than 512 MB.)
>     With Gnome Mplayer, after choosing it in the popup and clicking
>     the Play button, mplayer generated a crash error.  But after
>     closing the error window, the Mplayer window still seemed
>     responsive, and it appeared that one would play a CD after
>     choosing the menu item Services: Play CD, but in this post-crash
>     instance nothing happened.
>     -----------------
>     I make those observations because this issue does not seem to be
>     an application-level problem.  In Edubuntu, one inserts a CD,
>     chooses Rhythmbox from the popup, the app opens, constructs the
>     playlist and begins playing.  In short, once you have told it to
>     play a CD with Rhythmbox, it does so.
>     Suggestions then, for what to file a bug report against?
>     On 9/12/2012 3:34 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>     Hi John,
>>     thanks for raising the issue, it gives me a clear chance to let
>>     you know that the devs only react to bug reports [1]. We have few
>>     devs and too many ways of people complaining about issues, please
>>     do take the time to raise a bug report. The below link takes you
>>     through how to do it.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Phill.
>>     1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Reporting_Bugs
>>     On 12 September 2012 19:16, John Hupp <lubuntu at prpcompany.com
>>     <mailto:lubuntu at prpcompany.com>> wrote:
>>         Has there ever been any more progress on making it easy to
>>         play an audio CD in Lubuntu?
>>         Here is a good explanation of the obscure method one must
>>         currently use to play a disc (in VLC, but the same for other
>>         players as far as I can tell):
>>         http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11334425&postcount=8
>>         I understand that the difficulty lies in the audio CD format
>>         not being an actual file system, but in short, one currently
>>         has to explicitly open the disc in the player even after
>>         choosing a player in the auto-play popup.  I read that Ubuntu
>>         accomplishes Windows-like simplicity in this regard, and it
>>         would be nice if users didn't need a How-To in order to play
>>         a CD.
>>         (And before I even got to this point, I had to overcome the
>>         obstacle that I couldn't even open the drive. Pressing the
>>         open button got no response - the drive appeared to be dead. 
>>         This turned out to be a user privileges issue.  The default
>>         user privileges established when one installs Lubuntu don't
>>         grant permission for this.)
>>         --
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> -- 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw

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