Video Player change proposel

Sandor Ortegon sandortegon at
Fri Sep 14 19:17:59 UTC 2012


As for the video player, there are two things that bother me about using
GNOME-Mplayer and actually Mplayer, because the main problems are not
related to the front-end, but are related to mplayer itself.

1)  Streaming and Radio Stations: Just to make a test ... if I try to play
a pls file from a radio station, for example:  (or files from
Winamp Shoutcast Radio) ... VLC and audacious play it inmediately ... but
if I am using a browser and try to play using the plugin (or mplayer
itself) ... it takes about a minute to play it ...

2) Playlists: I have very frequently the problem that I am reproducing a
playlist and when reproduction of a file end ... it doesn't go
automatically to the next entry of the playlist.
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