[Lubuntu] How to edit choices in popup: Removable media is inserted: audio CD

John Hupp lubuntu at prpcompany.com
Thu Sep 13 17:01:27 UTC 2012

It seemed like a good clue, but there must be more than one mechanism 
governing this.

In /usr/share/applications, I compared audacious.desktop with 
gnome-mplayer.desktop and found that the MimeType entry for audacious 
included x-content/audio-cdda, but this was lacking for gnome-mplayer.  
So I added that and rebooted, but still got the same popup when 
inserting an audio CD (no choice for Gnome Mplayer).

On 9/13/2012 12:09 PM, Julien Lavergne wrote:
> Le 09/13/2012 03:55 AM, John Hupp a écrit :
>> But I found that my only choices were Xfburn, Audacious, and Open in 
>> File Manager.  Gnome Mplayer was not offered.
>> What do I edit to make it offer that in the popup?  (I thought of 
>> MIME types, but noted that "audio CD" is not found in 
>> /etc/mime.types, which I understand is part of the challenge, in that 
>> it is not a true file system.)
> It's in the .desktop file (look at /usr/share/applications/). If it's 
> working for Audacious and not for gnome-mplayer, it's probably a 
> missing MIME association in the desktop file.
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne

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