LXFinder installed instead of LXFind

John Hupp lubuntu at prpcompany.com
Sat Sep 8 01:04:27 UTC 2012

In the Lubuntu documentation, Catfish is the currently recommended GUI 
search tool.  But it notes "Though as of time of writing, LXFind is in 
the Lubuntu PPA and is forthcoming shortly."

Elsewhere in a few slim references it seems to be expected for 12.10.

But again, among the few references, a number of users find that the 
prescribed installation installs LXFinder instead of LXFind, and 
LXFinder does not work.  And that is what I found.  I set LXFinder 
searching for a known-existing file, and it did not find it, but did 
generate a slew of "permission denied" errors. I'll add that the 
LXFinder shortcut does indeed point to /user/bin/lxfind, so this is not 
a simple matter of a mis-constructed shortcut.

My installation commands:
     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-desktop/ppa
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install -y lxfind

One thing I notice about the documentation statement, though, is that it 
refers to the Lubuntu PPA rather than the lubuntu-desktop PPA which I 
used in my installation.

Did I use an obsolete PPA, or is there another good explanation here (or 
even a bad but accurate explanation)?

I'll also observe here that I regard GUI file search as a necessary part 
of the software stack.  It seems like something that's just gotta work 
on a modern O/S.  And I'm testing LXFind because I found that Catfish 
generates a disturbing error result when it can't find a match.  (Posted 
in a separate thread.)
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