Lubuntu - How to create a shutdown splash screen?

John Hupp lubuntu at
Sun Sep 2 19:44:58 UTC 2012

This is actually a tangent to the incomplete shutdown problem that I 
have been working on.  In my initial post I wondered if, as a 
work-around of sorts, I could create a shutdown splash screen that would 
remain on-screen on machines that suffer from the shutdown problem.

So pending a fix for the shutdown problem, I return to this thought in a 
separate thread of its own.

When I initially posted the problem on the LTSP mail list, one reply 
came that it was possible but not easy to do, and that such a mechanism 
would be distro-specific and require help from someone with 
distro-relevant knowledge.

What I had in mind was a screen similar to the one that appeared on 
Windows 9x machines that could not turn off automatically. For those, 
the last screen that appeared said something like "It is now safe to 
turn off your computer."

And I think I recall seeing this screen flash on for an instant even on 
machines that could turn off automatically.  So it may have been part of 
the standard shutdown routine and only remained on-screen for cases when 
an auto-shutdown didn't work.

Anyone know how?
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