Question about Lightdm and XScreensaver integration

Julien Lavergne gilir at
Wed Oct 31 08:22:46 UTC 2012

Le 31/10/2012 02:20, Sandor Ortegon a écrit :
> I just have a question: If we look at Windows and other operating 
> systems, if you "lock" your session you are directed to the login 
> screen in order to return, which is the natural option. However, in 
> Lubuntu, once you lock your session, this doesn't happen. You are 
> forced to see a very ugly screen (managed by xscreensaver), which is 
> not integrated at all with Lightdm. The same happens if the 
> screensaver is active.
> Is there a way to change this in Lubuntu 12.10? (by editing some 
> configuration files). Are there plans to improve the integration by 
> default in Lubuntu 13.04? 
Actually, I really would like to remove xscreensaver and use lightdm for 
locking the screen. But, we need to be sure the lightdm mechanism work 
(security wise), as I don't think even Ubuntu use it yet (still using 

Julien Lavergne

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