gpicview behaves bizzare
uhtlmk at
Sun Oct 28 18:04:35 UTC 2012
Done (and indeed, it's exactly my configuration, i'm also using fglrx).
2012/10/28 Yorvyk <yorvik.ubunto at>:
> On 25/10/12 22:28, UH wrote:
>> Since 12.10 gpicview, for me, behaves bizzarre: When i open a jpeg
>> it's displayed not as hole but in different discomposed sheets. I
>> attach a screenshot.
>> Now, 1st question: Is this a known problem? And is there a solution?
>> 2nd question: If not, what would be your advice for another
>> lightweight and effectiv picture viewer (in lubuntu)? I checked a bit
>> around for memory usage etc. and it seems geeqie would be the best (?)
>> TIA, Uli
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> Steve
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