Lubuntu 12.10

Tiandao Li litd99 at
Thu Oct 25 19:36:20 UTC 2012


Last weekend I upgraded Lubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10. However, the whole
fonts and images look so no proportionally. So I made a fresh installation
yesterday. The whole installation is OK.

The first thing I noticed is the weather indicator, it still works
strangely, keep on shut off frequently. This happens since 12.04 which is
the first Lubuntu I used.

2nd. There is a big distance between weather and ibus indicators compared
to other indicators.

3rd. Since I usually connect to Office, and install remmina. When I click
to connect Win7, dozens of icons showed in the system tray. Caused by
remmina or lubuntu?

Overall, Lubuntu is a light and easy to use Ubuntu.

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