Strange Icon sizes in menu [12.10]

Ryan Porter websterhamster at
Fri Oct 19 21:34:17 UTC 2012

That sounds plausible... Only thing is it definitely didn't do that in
12.04; I just reinstalled Lubuntu 12.10 from scratch (not saving files,
etc.) and it still has this problem with those applications. Did the
menu use to automatically scale the icons?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Strange Icon sizes in menu [12.10]
From: Aere Greenway <Aere at>
Date: Fri, October 19, 2012 12:36 pm
To: Ryan Porter <websterhamster at>
Cc: 神癒礁湖 "(Rafael Laguna)" <rafaellaguna at>, Alexander
Andjelkovic <andjelkovic at>, Lubuntu Users
<lubuntu-users at>

 On Fri, 2012-10-19 at 12:01 -0700, Ryan Porter wrote:  Thanks for the
repsonses. I don't think this is a bug, it's most likelysomething wrong
in a config file. And it most likely is caused by adisconnect between
some standard in 12.04 and 12.10.Here's the
going to redo my install from scratch and see if that solves
it.Sincerely,Ryan  All:
 Having looked at a number of Debian packages to see how they work, I
have noticed that icons can be supplied in different sizes, and
different formats.  
 The application (amsynth) supplies two icons in its Debian package,
putting them in the "/usr/share/pixmaps" folder:
 amsynth.png            (which is a more typical size, but is still
unusual, in being 48 x 49 pixels)
 amsynth.xpm            (which is much bigger (108 x 105 pixels) than
any of the other icons in that folder)
 From your screenshot, the second icon (the '.xpm') is actually used.  
 According to the gimp graphics editor, this icon is 108 pixels wide, by
105 pixels high.  Typically, an icon is 32 x 32 pixels, or 16 x 16
pixels.  This one (as supplied in its Debian package) is huge.  
    -- Sincerely,Aere

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