Questions after installing Lubuntu 12.10 (Daily Build, October 6)

Sandor Ortegon sandortegon at
Sun Oct 7 14:53:27 UTC 2012


I just installed Lubuntu 12.10 using the daily build of October 6. This 
is the first time I have ever installed a beta release and I would like 
to share my impressions and ask several questions about problems that I 
have been experiencing. I have been using Lubuntu since 11.10 (and I 
installed 12.04 too), so I can compare relative to previous versions.


- This is the first time that the touchpad is recognized (my laptop is a 
Toshiba Satellite M505 S4000WH) ... and the buttons to reduce brightness 
work). So I am very happy about this.

- Startup time has been reduced.


- Almost all programs I have installed (and including several from the 
default list) include black borders in buttons and it looks awful. And 
the progress bar (for example, when updates are been downloading using 
the update-manager, or when a video is being played) look terrible.

I have read from Rafael Laguna (in a previous mail to the list) that 
apparently, this has been corrected, but ... do I need to add a PPA to 
see everything look better? Or these changes are going to be in the 
repositories soon?

- I don't know if this is related to the previous issue, but I was using 
Audacious (which has worked wonderfully for me in previous releases) and 
I started playing a song. Then the mouse suddenly got stuck in "hand 
mode", so every time I tried to move the mouse, I was moving the window 
and I couldn't change the song (like if the mouse pointer got attached). 
I have to close the program using the keyboard (Alt+F4).

In doubt:

- Should I need to reinstall the system when Lubuntu 12.10 is released 
officially? Or it is enough to keep this installation and update when 
necessary? My problem is that I am investing time in the installation 
and adding programs, so it would be frustrating to reinstall Lubuntu 
12.10 again when the official release appears. I would be grateful for 
help on this.

Thanks for your attention

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