Aere Greenway Aere at
Mon Oct 1 00:51:03 UTC 2012

On Sun, 2012-09-30 at 10:39 +0200, wonder.nkosi at wrote:

> Good day.
> This is my first post to this group and I hope I will not break any
> rules. My name is Wonder and I am a South African based in the capital
> city.
> I have two separate problems that I need your assistance.
> Firstly; When I play a movie using mplayer, in every ten (10) minutes
> the screen goes to sleep. I want my system to be able to recognise
> that the desktop is in use when playing movies or music. How can I fix
> this.
> Secondly; I had noticed that files permission is set by default to
> 'root', how can I change it to 'user'. This means that every time I
> open a text file or web page file by double clicking it, it will want
> to execute instead of opening it. I must then use the right click
> button to chose a program that will open the file every time.
> Thanks
> Wonder


Regarding the file permissions problem, it sounds similar to something
I've run into in the past.  

It seems that when I copied files from another partition (possibly from
another user), I had to get administrator privilege to do it, and then,
having done that, it copied the directory structure from the other
partition, but it made root the owner.  

As I recall, the only way I could change it was in a terminal session,
doing a "sudo chown " with the recursive option (I think it was -R).
The command shown is incomplete - you have to fill-in the parameters.  

I think, if you copy from another partition, but it's the same user-ID
as you are using for the copy, it keeps the right user.  

I didn't try it out to verify this information.  I am strictly going
from memory.  


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