Question about Evince integration with PCManfm

Pascual Lucero pascualucero at
Mon Nov 19 03:43:46 UTC 2012


I just noticed that Evince has an option to "Open containing folder" once
you open a file; I find this option quite useful, but it is not working
well with PCManfm. Every time I tried to execute the option, I see this
announcement: "Failed to execute child process "pcmanfm" (permission

Is there a way to solve this issue?

PS: I have seen in the Lubuntu Developers PPA that pcmanfm-gtk3 exists.
What is the main difference with respect to PCmanfm? Will it work better in
quantal? Or is it better to keep the original package? (I tried to install
it, but it demands to remove lubuntu-core and lubuntu-default-settings, so
it looked "dangerous" to change it).

Thanks for your attention
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