I just fixed tons of bugs in pcmanfm/libfm

Julien Lavergne gilir at ubuntu.com
Thu May 17 14:34:55 UTC 2012

I updated the status of this bug :

I don't know which others bugs are relative to it, but any crash which
have something like gtk_widget_get_toplevel on the top may be relative.

Julien Lavergne

Le 05/10/2012 09:11 AM, PCMan a écrit :
> Thanks for the reminder.
> Would you please file a bug report in our bug tracker and if possible,
> tell us what bugs do you think are related to it, so we can close
> them? I'll try to do a sync with upstream libexo for ExoIconView soon.
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Julien Lavergne <gilir at ubuntu.com
> <mailto:gilir at ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     On 05/08/2012 06:10 PM, PCMan wrote:
>>     Hi list,
>>     I just fixed tons of bugs in pcmanfm/libfm this week.
>>     Some patches from the community are applied, too.
>>     Please help test the current code in git to see if it still
>>     crashes so often.
>>     I think things are improved now.
>>     My laptop was broken last two weeks.
>>     Now it's fixed and I can do coding again.
>>     Luckily I got some more spare time this month.
>>     There are still more than 70 bugs, but I'll try to fix as many of
>>     them as I can.
>>     Let's keep marching toward 1.0 stable release.
>>     :-)
>     Thanks, I'll try to a make a testing package later this week, or
>     next week. Of course, it would easier if there is a release :-)
>     Did you check also exo git tree to sync your copy in libfm ? At
>     least, adding this commit
>     http://git.xfce.org/xfce/exo/commit/?id=7385e5018fe5eb0bdcd05eacdcf79dbd74406d9a
>     fix a very often bug we had on Lubuntu 12.04. Maybe there are
>     others interested commits ?
>     Regards,
>     Julien Lavergne

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