[Lxde-list] Version 0.9 of LXKB-CONFIG aviable!!!

PCMan pcman.tw at gmail.com
Wed May 16 09:30:31 UTC 2012

Thanks a lot for your work.
Can we make it part of LXDE?
I mean, move the git repo to lxde.git.sf.net and make releses on lxde
project page?
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Alexis López Zubieta <
azubieta at estudiantes.uci.cu> wrote:

> Hello everyone:
> I have been doing some work last week and here are the results: a new
> version of lxkb-config (0.9), it is almost finished. It now some new
> functionalities as the capability to handle the keyboard model, also is
> able to define a keyboard shortcut to switch between layouts, and offers
> internationalized options using xkb-data-i18n. Finally we deliver an
> lxpanel plugging that integrates lxkb-config on it.
> Sources and debian packages are in the same place:
> Sources: https://azubieta@github.com/azubieta/lxkb_config.git
> lxkb-config debian package:
> https://github.com/downloads/azubieta/lxkb_config/lxkb-config_0.9-1_i386.deb
> lxpanle-plugging as debian package:
> https://github.com/downloads/azubieta/lxkb_config/lxpanel-lxkb_0.5-1_i386.deb
> Hoping that it could be useful to you.
> Alexis López Zubieta
> Nova Ligth Project
> University of Informatics Sciences
> Here are some screen shots of it:
>  <http://www.uci.cu/>
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