About my health, top posting vs bottom posting, and Ubuntu forums

Mika Suomalainen mika.henrik.mainio at hotmail.com
Wed May 2 11:35:07 UTC 2012

01.05.2012 21:08, Bhaskar Kandiyal kirjoitti:
> I don't really like the whole idea of top-posting vs bottom-posting
> thing, just let people do what they like.
> And if you're really into following etiquettes then most guidelines
> state that people should avoid HTML emails and yet people still send
> HTML emails to this list. Also, I often see bottom-posted emails on
> this list that don't have irrelevant stuff removed so you have to
> scroll down all the way past the 4 or 5 quoted emails just to see a
> one liner reply.

But there are good reasons to bottom post. Bottom posting makes the post
easier to read even for people who haven't read the full discussion.

> Personally, I don't like HTML emails but those people using webmail
> like Yahoo don't have a choice so I'm fine with it.

I don't like it either. You are wrong about that, people who are using
webmail *can* use plaintext.
Debian wiki has instructions how to do that,

Mika Suomalainen
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