Openbox Configuration Manager - Lubuntu 12.04

Geoffrey computergeoffrey at
Tue May 1 09:39:36 UTC 2012

Wouldn't it be better to fork obconf to integrate it with lxappearance? Instead of three apps you would have one.

---- Aan Tue, 01 May 2012 08:58:08 +0200 PCMan< at> schreef ---- 

lxappearance-obconf did not replace obconf.
It only handles openbox config related to look & feels.
Changing configuration related to window manager behavior is not supported.
So currently you still need obconf to change other window manager settings.
 Maybe in the future we can fork obconf to hide "appearance" related parts from it?
 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 5:49 AM, 神癒礁湖 <rafaellaguna at> wrote:

  Okay, let's go by parts.
 When you upgrade to a new version, obviously the old progrms are not removed, unless they conflict heavily with the new system. Example: a lot of people installed Precise, which comes with Shotwell, but still remains the "old" F-Spot.
 With Lubuntu, the intention (from PCMan) was dropping the old obconf and replace by lxappaearance. For changing window borders you'll need the plugin "lxappearance-obconf", which doesn't depend or install obconf.
 But, I must say that this change did not happened yet. Lubuntu 12.04 STILL installs obconf. But sure that Quantal won't have it.
 PS. My Lubuntu machine has a new and fresh setup, I don't know about upgraded behaviour.
 Al 30/04/12 22:31, En/na Ryan Porter ha escrit:  -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: Re: Openbox Configuration Manager - Lubuntu 12.04
 From: "Ali Linx (amjjawad)" <amjjawad at>
 Date: Mon, April 30, 2012 1:17 pm
 To: Ryan Porter <websterhamster at>
 Cc: Lubuntu Users <lubuntu-users at>
 >I had Lubuntu 12.04 Beta2. I upgraded to Lubuntu 12.04 stable by:
 >sudo apt-get update
 >sudo apt-get upgrade
 >sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
 >I did that on two machines, one is a laptop and other is a PC. NONE of these two have Openbox Configuration Manager, I'm afraid.
 >Do I need to attach a screenshot too? If yes, please let me know :)
 >Thanks :)
 Ok, I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 by using the Update Manager. Maybe the menu item for the OCM was left over from 11.10 for me.



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