Financial Support for Lubuntu
cyber.druif at
Mon Mar 26 05:17:12 UTC 2012
I totally agree (I didn't know/realise Ubuntu had a Donate page). But by
donating to Ubuntu you support our cause just as well or even better then
if just we "took" the money. Again I totally agree with redirecting to the
Ubuntu donate page.
With metta, Chris
P.s.: A good summary as to why donating to Ubuntu supports us might be a
good idea thou.
On Mar 26, 2012 4:32 AM, "mohi" <mohanchml at> wrote:
> Hi amjjawad,
> Just redirect him to the main Ubuntu 'donate' page for now :)
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A lot of to discuss and there is not enough time for all of this, sad but
>> true :(
>> Long story short, shall I reply that guy that we don't have or don't
>> accept any financial support at the moment? shall I come up with my own
>> version of a standard answer? so far, personally, I got one request
>> regarding this issue but for this request and others in future, what is the
>> final and the direct answer for that? I don't want to come up with my own
>> just like that ... I understand what has been written here but again, no
>> time to discuss all that, all of us are busy and I see every time we open a
>> discussion, it takes long time and sometimes with no final answer :( I'm
>> blaming NO ONE here because I know for a fact why is that ... I just want
>> to close this and move on to the other stuff :)
>> Thanks!
>> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:47 AM, Julien Lavergne <gilir at>wrote:
>>> Le 03/18/2012 06:13 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) a écrit :
>>> In 16-12-2011 (still have that Email), I was asking about the
>>> Financial Support for Lubuntu, etc and today, I got a Private Message on
>>> Ubuntu Forum:
>>> This is the message that was sent:
>>> ***************
>>>> I just had a quick question on how to support Lubuntu financially. I
>>>> have looked everywhere but I have not found anywhere a way to send money
>>>> for Lubuntu development.
>>>> I feel it is a good thing to pay for software even it is free.
>>>> Many others like LibreOffice do offer that option.
>>>> May be you could let me know if that is possible.
>>>> Thx for your help, Roman
>>>> ***************
>>> There are several "problems" to set up Financial support :
>>> - Do we, as an Ubuntu derivative, can receive financial support ? We
>>> depends on Ubuntu, and on some of their resources (ISO building, help from
>>> Canonical developpers ...), so why just take the money for us ? They
>>> deserve it also (at least, part of it).
>>> - Do we, as a distribution, can receive financial support ? We "just"
>>> takes some pieces from the open source world (kernel, gcc, LXDE, Xorg ...).
>>> so why just take the money for us ? They deserve it also
>>> - And finally, how to use it ? Pay people who develop ? But why not
>>> people who test ? Who spread the Lubuntu word ? Everyone deserve it.
>>> I'm quite uncomfortable when we talk about this. It's IMO a very
>>> sensitive topic.
>>> If I have to give my opinion, I'll organize it like this :
>>> - Give a part to other free software application we used : first LXDE,
>>> after Ubuntu, Debian, and other small projects (like Sylpheed,
>>> Gnome-Mplayer ...).
>>> - Keep the rest to organize events where people from Lubuntu team can
>>> work on Lubuntu (like hackfest, or documentation workshop etc ...).
>>> Problem is to find the good % for each one :)
>>> Regards,
>>> Julien Lavergne
>> --
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