Recommended applications

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at
Fri Mar 9 12:21:04 UTC 2012

On Fri, 9 Mar 2012 07:15:13 -0400
Jean-Pierre Vidal Piesset <jpxsat at> wrote:

> >
> > My suggestion when selecting apps for this list is that they run on a
> > 300Mhz CPU with 128 MiB RAM
> Maybe a more suitable machine would be 500MHZ & 256MB Ram. Since all
> modifications and restrictions to the kernel this two years, I'm in doubt
> that it's possible to install lubuntu (or any ubuntu flavour) on a machine
> with the specs you're pointing! (no more i586, PAE, drop of certain old
> graphic cards...) /  In the past I've installed Lubuntu 10.04 on very old
> machines with very poor Ram, but now that somethings are dropped the system
> simply does nothing :(
400Mhz CPU 192 MiB RAM?

> The questions are:
> - a Pentium 1 or 2 can run Lubuntu 12.04 ?
> - It's easy for a beginner to do that install or something more than the
> usual has to be done?
> Correct me if I'm talking nonsense here, please!
Sort of :)
All Pentium class CPUs are i686 compatible (with a very small number of exceptions).  I have installed on a 128 MiB machine with a 200 Mhz PII using the alternate installer and run one app at a time.  It was no more unpleasant than running Widows Vista on a 1.6Ghz Celeron and 1 GiB RAM (This not a joke!).  The idea of setting the spec that low was to remind people what lightweight really means as some people think that anything less then a multi-core CPU is low spec.  The app should ideally run OK using the basic VESA or fbdev video driver.

> Though, I'm kinda loving you're idea Yorvyk!! Those apps could be included
> in LSC under "Lubuntu proposed" :)
Forgot to mention that bit.  After a bit of testing and a vote, it would be nice to have a 'Lubuntu Recommended' section or stamp in the LSC.


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