Lubuntu install

Mark Ballard markjballard at
Wed Jun 6 08:35:15 UTC 2012

It was a presumption, J. The install failed after requesting and not
getting a network connection, and on reporting an inability to install

It was version 12.04, downloaded yesterday. I can give more details of
hardware later if that's helpful.

On 6 June 2012 05:36, Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at> wrote:

> Mark,
> On 06/05/2012 02:04 PM, Mark Ballard wrote:
> > Doing an alternate i386 install.
> Of which version of Lubuntu?  12.04 Precise?  A recent daily of 12.10
> Quantal?  Some older version??
> >  Wanted to run it as a live CD initially.
> The Alternate install image is not a LiveCD.  If you want a LiveCD, you
> should use the LiveCD image instead.
> > "The failing step is: select and install software".
> >
> > I presume it needs a network connection.
> As far as I know, it should not require one; I'll check with Lubuntu
> 12.04 i386 later tonight in a VM with no network card defined.
> > It does seem all this is because there is no network connection. If
> > I had known it needed a network connection I would have made sure I
> > had one before I started.
> What specifically makes you think it was the lack of a network
> connection that caused these issues?
> Jonathan
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