What is Lubuntu's plan regarding the non-pae kernel?

Lance lbsolost at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 10 17:36:46 UTC 2012

Thanks for the clarification Julien. It appears that we're are on the same page. Please take a glance at my forum post:


No need to read the whole thread, a lot off it gets off track anyway, but please do check my "personal goal" link:


I've encountered some difficulties with the non-pae mini.iso, but no need for you to worry about that. I'll continue to test the daily builds and report bugs as needed. Since it is an Ubuntu build there should be no worries for you ;^)

Many thanks again,


--- On Fri, 2/10/12, Julien Lavergne <gilir at ubuntu.com> wrote:

From: Julien Lavergne <gilir at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: What is Lubuntu's plan regarding the non-pae kernel?
To: "Lance" <lbsolost at yahoo.com>
Cc: lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com, lubuntu-qa at lists.launchpad.net
Date: Friday, February 10, 2012, 9:08 AM


    Current situation is :


    Precise live ISO need a PAE system to run, and install a PAE kernel.


    Precise alternate ISO install a PAE kernel.


    People from 11.10 can still upgrade their system with a non-PAE
    kernel (non-PAE is available and supported).


    People who want to install a new precise system on a non-PAE system
    need to use the mini.iso, and use the linux-generic kernel when the
    installer ask for it. I just tried it, and it's pretty easy. A short
    documentation with some screenshots and a note on release notes
    should do the job IMO.


    Didi I miss something ?



    Julien Lavergne


    Le 02/10/2012 04:02 AM, Lance a écrit :
            First of all I have
              no hardware that's incapable of running the pae kernel but
              a few folks have reported at the forums getting an error,
              "kernel requires feature pae and won't boot", particularly
              with Pentium M machines.


              I've been doing some studying and it looks like upgrades
              from Oneiric w/non-pae to Precise remain non-pae, and
              undoubtedly using the mini.iso will work, but I'd think
              both of those options would require fast ethernet.


              I also typically encounter problems using the mini.iso
              with my wired network, that's nothing new, I just end up
              having to connect the machine that's booting the mini.iso
              directly to my modem, which means all of my other machines
              have to be down while the net-install completes.


              BTW I'm talking about the non-pae mini.iso:




              Anyway here at Launchpad:




              Stéphane Graber said,
              "I know some flavours of Ubuntu chose to ship with non-PAE
              by default, using one of these (probably xubuntu and
              lubuntu) would work too."


              So I wonder if we are in fact going to rebuild our iso's
              with the non-pae kernel? It would seem rather appropriate
              since our target audience is older, lower resource


              Many thanks in advance,







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