
Ben Parrish bparrish88 at
Thu Feb 9 17:43:59 UTC 2012

Hello Lunbunt-ers.  I'm just sending along this message to introduce
myself.  Real name is Ben, but you'll find me under the name Flazer.  I've
been an ubuntu user for several years and just recently stumbled upon
Lubuntu while trying to breathe fresh life into an ASUS EeePC 1005hab that
I picked up on the cheap for school.

I'm interested in the project as a lightweight alternative to the regular
Ubuntu strains, for people with older hardware, and those that just want a
functional OS with less bloat.

I currently work for Apple...yeah I know ;-)...but I do base level tech for
the Mac.  This has taught me a lot about how Unix based OS's work and
actually more about supporting Linux, so I am greatful for that.  I've
already petitioned to join the Support team because of this, as well as the
Communications team to help out with spreading the word about our little OS.

If you need anything, holler!

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to getting elbows deep.

Ben Parrish <bparrish88 at>
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