xscreensaver blanking display too soon

amjjawad HOOHAA amjjawad at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 13:13:15 UTC 2012


Are we talking about Lubuntu 11.10 here or 12.04?

Are you sure even after disabling the XScreensaver, you still have Blank
Screen? I have 3 Lubuntu Installation on 3 different machines (1 PC and 2
Laptops) and I don't have that issue.

Sorry, I hit reply not reply all so you will get two of these :)

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Paulo Silva <nitrofurano at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know if this is related to xscreensaver or power-management -
> i tried to set xscreensaver on never blanking and never going into
> screensaving mode, and the displays gets blank always after 10 minutes
> (and besides this, at xscreensaver-demo (from terminal command line),
> i set 720 minutes at 'Blank After', and 1000 minutes at
> Advanced:DisplayPowerManagement )
> The very annoying resulting situation is i can't see decently, for
> example, any video or dvd lasting more than 10 minutes, or video
> streaming, being far away from the computer, keyboard or mouse -
> always being annoyed with this display blanking situation
> How can this bug be fixed, and where else should i change (like
> configuration files) for fixing it? btw, i think these preference
> interfaces like xscreensaver-demo should be enough for this...
> (for example, just imagine how silly would be a situation like this on
> ubuntu-tv - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwiFrN-fZTg )
> thanks and cheers,
> p.
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