Clipboard Manager - Time to report it :)

amjjawad HOOHAA amjjawad at
Sun Feb 5 08:54:08 UTC 2012

Opinion, Bug, Wishlist ... it does not matter what you call it, what does
really matter is someone has to highlight this issue :)

Same as LockScreen, such basic features will NEVER affect the performance
IMHO. Lubuntu Performance, for me, comes first and I'd vote against
ANYTHING that may affect that like making it slow, etc but such feature
will NOT affect the overall performance but will make some users happy when
they do a very simple task on their daily usage that is "Paste".

Who is deciding whether this is needed and that is not needed? I have never
seen a poll? where is that? and if it does exist then why it's not on our
Wiki or some where visible?

I'm very close to users and I almost read each and every feedback about
Lubuntu. They are not 100% happy when it comes to:

   1. Programs Selections
   2. Features

They do understand Lubuntu did a huge favor to them but breathing a new
life into their OLD machines but at the same time, there is no harm to
dream bigger ;)

I'm one of those who would like to see Lubuntu as THE BEST OS ever.

And to be extra honest, I'm one of those who is NOT 100% happy about all
the features and/or programs in Lubuntu.

As for Artwork, that is something NO WAY will make everyone happy and I
personally don't care much about it because I can change it. Say the
wallpaper is not nice for example? so what? it's one click away to change.
Rafael is doing a GREAT job and I do appreciate that and it's funny that
someone would complain about that :)

Hope you guys see my point and really, there is no need to waste so much
time to discuss about that.

*To fix this IMHO? create a Wiki Page, call it "Poll" and set some polls
for users to vote ;)*

I have learned to highlight the issue and suggest a solution/fix/etc to it.
So after all I'm not a trouble-maker :P :P :P

Thanks :)

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 1:32 AM, amjjawad HOOHAA <amjjawad at> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I should have done that long time ago but I forgot :)
> Thanks!
> P.S.
> I'm aware that it's "sudo-apt get install" step and all done but come on,
> it should be included by default IMHO :)
> --
> Best Regards,
> *amjjawad*
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