Custom widgets for lxde applications

Julien Lavergne gilir at
Fri Aug 24 19:05:21 UTC 2012

Le 08/24/2012 07:37 PM, Stephen Smally a écrit :
> So my question (and proposal) is: Is a standard lxde widgets library a
> good thing?
> I personally don't like when a gtk app require another library for
> widgets (such as libxfce4ui), because it looks to me like an added
> weight. However, i started appreciating this with the granite library
> (used for elementary os widgets), and i started thinking about a lxde
> library seriously (i called it liblxui, but i don't like the name a lot).
> In my plan, the library should be:
> * Written with Vala (simple development + C and vala api) and Gtk3
> * Themed within Box (or whatever) via css, using another Gtk theme the
> widgets won't look strange.
> * Lightweight, of course, just few widgets (about 5 or 6), no Services
> or patches as in granite 
IMO, one of the main advantage of LXDE is that it's gtk + glib only,
using stock features of those libraries. Starting by introducing a
strong dependency on a specific library, and it will end like Xfce or
Gnome, an integrated desktop, with a lot of common and specific
components. So, what's the point to create yet another integrated
desktop ? LXDE will loose one of it main advantages.

Julien Lavergne

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