Anyone here qualified to install Lubuntu?

Ron Johnson ron.l.johnson at
Thu Aug 23 11:57:51 UTC 2012

Yet still, what "corporate cycle" are you (and Phil Whiteside) trying to 

On 08/23/2012 06:48 AM, Ho Wan Chan wrote:
> Hum.......You actually know that almost ALL contributors to the Ubuntu
> flavors (e.g. Lubuntu and Ubuntu Studio) are volunteers? Also why do you
> really think that making it paid benefits everybody? People want to get
> away for Windows and they will find a cheaper or free alternative, that's
> why they choose Ubuntu.

If adults of legally sound mind must be told what foods they
are not allowed to buy, then those people are not competent
to choose (i.e. vote for) their own leaders.

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