[mhvlug] New Skype won't work on my system

Michael Muller mmuller at enduden.com
Wed Aug 15 22:03:17 UTC 2012

Mark Wallace wrote:
> I teleconference with my fiancee on Skype every Friday Night.  She goes 
> to a computer cafe in Hong Kong, I use Skype via Linux.
> There was a new version of Skype in the upgrades that won't work on my 
> system.   If she starts her webcam, then her picture breaks up and Skype 
> crashes on my system.  Ubuntu 12.04 with Skype 4.  The old one worked 
> fine.  Skype then loses all of it's settings.
> Remember, she can't install anything on her computer cafe computer. What 
> do I do?  PIdgin doesn't work wiith a lot of messenger services.

Have you tried g-mail video chat?  I've found that to work pretty well on
most of the Linux systems I've used it on.

> Mark Wallace
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michaelMuller = mmuller at enduden.com | http://www.mindhog.net/~mmuller
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