Video Player change proposel

Leszek Lesner leszek.lesner at
Thu Aug 16 21:32:05 UTC 2012

Am Donnerstag, 16. August 2012, 16:24:28 schrieb Ron Johnson:
> On 08/16/2012 02:49 PM, Jean-Pierre Vidal Piesset wrote:
> > 2012/8/16 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson at>:
> >> On 08/16/2012 02:14 AM, leszek.lesner at wrote:
> >>> Generally speaking mplayer2 is superior to mplayer. But in the case
> >>> of the the current builds in the Ubuntu repo the mplayer2 package is
> >>> very buggy. So its a temporary issue which won't go away in this
> >>> cycle as upgrading it is as far as I know forbidden.
> >> 
> >> There's always the PPA route.
> > 
> > As we depend on those apps as our core apps, can't we push updates
> > that will fix those issues?
> > We're part of the Ubuntu family or not?
> > 
> > I'm just asking because there are a lot of users that just want to use
> > their system and find bugs everywhere (for example myself when I tried
> > first 12.04 stable)... if an update could solve those ugly bugs
> > (mplayer2, gnome-mplayer, abiword) it would be SO nice.
> > 
> > Can't this be done? It would be a lifesaver for newcomers and it would
> > be wellcome for everyone using those apps!!
> The gnome3 ppa is almost mandatory for stock ubuntu users, and it
> regularly pushes versions updates.  Likewise the ed10vi86/video ppa
> which has the latest vlc.

I think the problem to push newer versions of mplayer2 and gnome-mplayer to 
the Lubuntu PPA is that it needs a maintainer or someone that just does it. :P

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