New music player proposal

Leszek Lesner leszek.lesner at
Tue Aug 14 20:32:35 UTC 2012

Am Dienstag, 14. August 2012, 20:18:45 schrieb Cyber Penguin:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Aere Greenway <Aere at dvorak->wrote:
> > **
> > All:
> > 
> > In selecting an 'official' player, please make sure it will actually play
> > audio CD's.  Yes, some of us still have audio CD collections, and don't
> > necessarily want to consume hard-disk space for every such CD.
> > 
> > For a significant time, Ubuntu releases had players that wouldn't play
> > CD's.  I had to install VLC so that I could do this.
> > 
> > Also, for playing CD's, many player's display only "Track 01, Track 02,
> > ..." etc.
> > 
> > Audacious, on the other hand, *will* display the meta-data, showing
> > title, artist, and album, when playing audio CD's.  Not all players will
> > do
> > that.  Of course, not all audio CD's contain such meta-data.
> > 
> > - Aere
> If only we get Gnome-mplayer removed I can support most
> mediaplayers. Audacious or VLC, both are welcome.

This is another topic. 
We should at least for a few Lubuntu versions stick with the default software 
we choose before. 

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