lubuntu and ramdisk

Ron Johnson ron.l.johnson at
Fri Aug 10 18:54:44 UTC 2012

On 08/10/2012 01:41 PM, Sa On wrote:
> A key feature of puppy linux is that the entire system (once booted)
> runs off the ramdisk.   Question:  Is it possible to implement
> something like this in lubuntu?

What makes a live cd/dvd "live" is that it runs from ram.
The lubuntu ISO is a live cd.
Therefore, what you want has already been implemented.

> I'm posting because I'm curious -- I don't really understand how
> ramdisk works (in terms of implementation and in relation to OS) and
> I'm hoping that someone knowledgeable could shed some light on this.
> Of course feel free to actually implement this (and let everyone knows

If adults of legally sound mind must be told what foods they
are not allowed to buy, then those people are not competent
to choose (i.e. vote for) their own leaders.

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