12.10 theme (lubuntu-artwork)

紳癒礁湖 rafaellaguna at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 12:18:30 UTC 2012

On Sat, 04 Aug 2012 11:24:26 +0100
Michael Rawson <michaelrawson76 at gmail.com> wrote:

|  On 04/08/12 10:33, Pierre Gobin wrote:
|  > Lubuntu Box is arrived on Lubuntu 12.10. Congratulations, it looks 
|  > really nice !
|  >
|  > I wanted to know if it was planned that PCManFM gets a new icon (now 
|  > it is the old one) ? Also, if it was possible that "Minimize all 
|  > windows" gets the new desktop icon.
|  >
|  > Thanks to all the artwork team for this great job !
|  >
|  Yup, it looks amazing. Is there maybe a list where we can propose and/or 
|  claim applications that need icons?
|  -- 
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There's no need to make a list, ALL applications need icons :D

I know I'm doing it slowly but believe me, I have in mind everything, I just need to open the menu and see what's still Elementary

紳癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
Lubuntu Artwork Team

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