secondary server for 12.10

Michael Basse ubuntu at
Wed Aug 1 09:21:54 UTC 2012

Hi Karl,
if you need webspace feel free to contact me. I have some root-Servers
running and of course i can spent some of my ressources.

Kind regards


Am 01.08.2012 09:55, schrieb Karl Anliot:
> heheeh.  The wiki one, of course.
> I can't wait to see what you do with your server.  It's going to be a
> great mirror!  And if I remember correctly, we'll have download
> statistics for each of the ISOs.
> I'm actually looking for a server for the lubuntu website David,
> Cyberpenguin and I worked on.  Right now, the website is just sitting
> on a home server, doing nothing, and I'm thinking I should have got a
> server and a "" domain name for it.  I make mistakes.
> I'm definitely looking for help with hosting and buying the domain
> name.
> thanks,
> kanliot

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