Lubuntu 12.04 - Feedback/Users' Satisfaction

Bhaskar Kandiyal bkandiyal at
Sat Apr 28 13:44:53 UTC 2012


On Saturday 28 April 2012 05:50 PM, Julien Lavergne wrote:
> Le 04/28/2012 01:43 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) a écrit :
>> As for selecting the questions, again, I'm not looking forward to use
>> complicated and long Qs with long answers but if you would like, I can
>> come up with some Qs and send them by email for voting?
> It depends on how long will be the questions :-) I think simple and
> short Q&A should be better, remember that people don't want to spend
> hours to answer this poll. Please keep us inform when you will have a
> proposal for a set of Q&A.
> Regards,
> Julien Lavergne

I believe you can use Google Docs for a poll/survey (apologies if it's
already been mentioned in this discussion, I didn't read all of the emails).
You can even generate graphs from the results.

A sample survey I made:

I don't think poll's on forums or Facebook would be a good idea as not
everyone has a forum account and not everyone uses Facebook.

Also, developing a custom poll/survey solution for us would be a nice
idea imo where we can control everything and that can be added to the
Lubuntu website. If everyone is willing I can develop one after my exams
are over.

Bhaskar Kandiyal

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