[lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 73, Issue 2

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 15:05:42 UTC 2022

It is definitely transient . . . I guess it's good that it's just a problem
for one . . . .

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 7:40 AM Thomas Ward <teward at thomas-ward.net> wrote:

> I did nothing – so this is entirely client side on your end.  Your
> browser, your Internet provider, nothing on our end.
> Sounds like the issue is a transient issue specific to your machines that
> is not able to be replicated by anyone else.
> Thomas
> *From:* Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, July 18, 2022 10:38
> *To:* Thomas Ward <teward at thomas-ward.net>
> *Cc:* lubuntu-devel <lubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 73, Issue 2
> @Thomas W:
> So this morning I'm booted in Tumbleweed and I saw the thread on the
> package dependency issue posted by Neblaz and clicking on the link . . .
> actually opened into the thread!!!!
> Don't know if this has anything to do with my side, same browser . . .
> same large number of tabs open . . . OR whether something was adjusted on
> the sending side?  I'll be back to Lu in a few days, to check if it's
> happening just in Lubuntu . . . .
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 3:08 PM Thomas Ward <teward at thomas-ward.net>
> wrote:
> Since the issue also affects lubuntu.me, then that suggests a much
> *wider* problem with your internet or network.  Since we've ruled out
> everything from console logs, the only thing left to us to assume is your
> ISP or network you're connecting to is doing some kind of filtration,
> especially if it's hitting *multiple* sites (lubuntu.me and
> discourse.lubuntu.me do NOT run on the same infrastructure nor even the
> same region or datacenters, nor even the same setup of the underlying
> system (bare metal + LXD for discourse, singular VM for lubuntu.me).
> Because of the issues being more than just one site and more than one
> component, this suggests your ISP is doing something.  You wouldn't happen
> to live in a middle eastern country, or Russia, or China, would you?
> (countries that enforce country-level ISP blocks and filtration that we
> can't do anything about).
> Thomas
> On 7/17/22 15:45, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> Thomas and Ian:
> Well, since I intermittently can't connect to Discourse I had no option
> but to post here about it.  Since nothing can be done then there would be
> no point to making a bug report, especially if I'm the only person that
> this is happening to, etc.  But, perhaps there are others, who hitting the
> white screen just move on to other options??
> As I said, I'm not fiddling with anything on my end.  More often than not
> if I get a digest email from Discourse if I click on a link it goes to a
> blank page.  And sometimes if I try to get to Lu.me it's the same thing.
> It's only because I'm a long time Lu user that I bother to report what is
> happening . . . I'm running "kinetic" right now, so I reported it to devel
> list serve.  I guess I could post about it on regular lu users list serve .
> . . but I'd still be reporting an issue which apparently doesn't exist???
> Please ignore, nothing to see here, I'm shuffling along, etc.
> F
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 10:39 AM Thomas Ward <teward at thomas-ward.net>
> wrote:
> The only thing I can think of is some tyoe of transparent internet
> filtering on your end.  There's no use in posting that you alone have this
> problem on the lububtu-devel list though, as theres nothing that I or
> anyone else can do to really debug.
> You could attempt to use a VPN to bypass any country restrictions and see
> if you can access the site, but this does not belong on lubuntu-devel.
> Sent from my Galaxy
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com>
> Date: 7/17/22 13:19 (GMT-05:00)
> To: Thomas Ward <teward at thomas-ward.net>
> Cc: lubuntu-devel <lubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 73, Issue 2
> Thomas, buddy . . . .
> We've had this conversation, actually now numerous times . . . and I've
> sent the console logs previously, which most recently you said were
> "inconclusive."????
> I'm more or less always in FF, this morning I was in Lubuntu kinetic . . .
> and then over in Gecko . . . .  It's "non-critical" but it seems to keep
> happening.  I'm not fiddling with stuff in the browser . . . .
> I guess then the question is, "Why am I being singled out for this
> infinite whiteness?"  "Why me?"  : - 0
> F
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 10:01 AM Thomas Ward <teward at thomas-ward.net>
> wrote:
> Without more details such as your web browser console logs and such its
> impossible to debug.
> Most users don't have this issue, and there is no obvious reason you would
> be having this issue from the sysadmin side of things.  As stated, we need
> more info such as your console logs for your browser (in the browser's dev
> tools).  Also knowing what browser you use, what OS you are on, and any
> plugins you are using in your browser are important tidbits too.
> Sent from my Galaxy
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com>
> Date: 7/17/22 12:32 (GMT-05:00)
> To: lubuntu-devel <lubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 73, Issue 2
>  top posting:
> So, in the apport bug report on LP there was another user experiencing the
> same issue and he linked a thread on the Discourse forum about it.  I
> posted back, saying I can't often get to the forum, because it loads to a
> blank page . . . .
> This morning I tried to click on his link . . . and . . . again it loads
> to a crisp white page.  Recurring issue, again recurring??
> F
> Simon Q:
> Running Lu Kinetic this morning, running apt dist-upgrade hits error . . .
> bug #1981898  filed automatically, brings error:
> [CODE] Errors were encountered while processing:
>  /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-AquuzF/050-libfm-qt11_1.1.0-1_amd64.deb
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [/CODE]
> F
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