[lubuntu-devel] "TTY" goes to black screen, then doesn't come out of it?

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 28 21:14:44 UTC 2020

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 12:36:36PM -0800, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> Well, I couldn't find the link to their bug number 

You have to have a [NVIDIA developer account to access the bugs][1].

> https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1063182/nvidia-drivers-don-t-include-access-to-tty-terminal-/?offset=1#5383801

Looks like they're indeed blaming your EFI, which is strange. If nouveau
works with the TTY, that might be the extra information they need. In
fact, the "code" quoted there by the NVIDIA rep is actually a line from
your `dmesg` output. If you could fine the parts that deal with the
framebuffer when running nouveau, that might help them figure out how to
fix their stuff. Chances are, they won't spend much time on it, though.

Either way, this demonstrates a big issue with proprietary hardware and
software. With proprietary hardware, it's difficult to provide open
source software solutions like drivers, because the hardware is
ultimately unknown and can be (at best) reverse engineered. And when the
makers of the proprietary hardware produce proprietary software, then
you're beholden to them to fix any problems. No one else outside of the
company, regardless of their skill level or understanding, can help
improve the situation. Similarly, since these are ultimately employees
of a for-profit business, at some point, they're forced to cut their
losses and stop supporting products they have discontinued.

And that's why you hear so many people in the open source world crying
so desperately for more open source solutions, especially in hardware
where such solutions are so rare.

       @wxl | polka.bike
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