[lubuntu-devel] running update/upgrade in Lu 20.10. .. 5.8 kernel breaks video & grub connections wiped??

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 22:14:48 UTC 2020


Just reporting some troubles I found when upgrading both my U-MATE &
Lubuntu groovy editions . . . seemingly which in each case my grub listing
is wiped, leaving only U-MATE as the option . . . BUT also seems like the
latest 5.8 kernel is messing with video, so that I see a splash screen in
both systems but when "video" powers up the screen goes black, no TTY
option . . . and when I hit power button the splash in both systems returns
briefly before powering down.

I had to use SG2 disk to boot into TW to recover grub, then I used
"advanced options" in U-MATE and I picked kernel 5.4.0-42-generic . . . and
it took a couple of minutes but it booted into U-MATE log in and I'm using
that kernel to type this email . . . .  Haven't "nailed it down" as far as
how "new" of a kernel can I go, because I've already down a bunch of
restarts today just trying to fix grub that "ubuntu" appears to still be
breaking . . . but it does seem like the newest kernel (which I believe is
5.8) is "not working" in a '12 Mac Pro multi-boot situation . . . it just
logs to black ness . . . very hard to work with, etc.

Problem has been reported on U-MATE "Developer Discussion" sub-forum,
should be top thread right now by user "non_space" over there.


On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 8:54 AM Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Update: Got over to my U-MATE 20.04 partition yesterday and in the
> interest of science I ran an apt update/upgrade . . . and again I got the
> "Where is grub?" question in the GUI.  This time I checked all three
> options, which turned out to again be "wrong" . . . as following the reboot
> ONLY U-MATE was available.  I searched the U-MATE forum and found reference
> to "grub hidden" ?? which seemed "similar" and I added myself to the bug
> report associated with it.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1863434/
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