[lubuntu-devel] Call for testing: Lubuntu Bionic Beaver Beta 1, due tomorrow!

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 7 19:11:07 UTC 2018

Hello Team!

It's that time again: milestone testing time! Normally we get two days
to do the testing, but this time, it's a little more limited as we got
images later in the day yesterday my time. That said, please get to

You can find all the images here:

If you want some more info on testing, you can always consult the wiki:

Questions? Reply back here or hit us up on #lubuntu-devel on Freenode. 

Walter, temporarily wearing Simon's Release Manager hat

       @wxl | polka.bike
C563 CAC5 8BE1 2F22 A49D
68F6 8B57 A48B C4F2 051A

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