[lubuntu-devel] New Release Manager: Simon Quigley

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 6 23:00:54 UTC 2017

Just letting everyone know that Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) has been extremely
helpful over the last few cycles with release management. He has done such
a stellar job, we've decided to give him the official position of Release
Manager for Lubuntu. Just as Julien Lavergne (gilir) continues to be one of
our release managers, so will I, but Simon will be at the helm of the ship,
so he gets the fancy plaque.

Having released myself from that particular responsibility, I plan on
working on developing a team to deal with our bugs better. There's a lot of
work to do here, so if anyone wants to contribute even just a little bit,
let me know.

Longer term, I hope to build a team of packagers that can help with that
more minor aspect of development so that our developers can focus on
actually pushing fixes upstream. Again, if you have interest here, please
let me know.

       @wxl | polka.bike
C563 CAC5 8BE1 2F22 A49D
68F6 8B57 A48B C4F2 051A
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