[lubuntu-devel] I'd like you to manage Facebook groups.

BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen. balloonakafusen at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 04:43:38 UTC 2017

Hello Lubuntu administrators,

I am currently participating as one of Facebook group administrators:

Lubuntu Officical
Lubuntu Off-topic

In the above 2 groups actually I am managing member addition.
There are other groups related to Lubuntu, but I am not an
administrator in those groups.

I got busy with other work, and management work got tighter
Can anyone support this management?

When I became an administrator, I received this.
Please follow this rule if you manage Facebook groups:

I apologize in advance for urging you to respond suddenly. Sorry...

BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen. (Keiichi SHIGA)

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