[lubuntu-devel] Fwd: Zesty Zapus (17.04) Final Freeze

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 13:06:55 UTC 2017

Den 2017-04-10 kl. 14:06, skrev Ian Bruntlett:
> Hi There,
> Sunday was busier than expected. Some friends popped round to assemble a
> piece of Argos furniture. Very nice :)
> OK, resumed checks, installing relevant packages with Synaptic Package
> Manager:-
> * LO Writer installed OK. Ran LO Writer OK
> * GIMP installed OK. Ran OK.
> * lubuntu-restricted-addons installed OK
> ! lubuntu-restricted-extras installed. Problem with
> "ttf-mscorefonts-installer". Error window appeared, "Update Information
> - failure to download extra data files". Used LO Writer to verify that
> one of the fonts - "Comic Sans MS" not available. Went to
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype. Discovered there is an empty directory there
> - msttcorefonts created at this time.
> * Ruby installed OK. Did ruby -e 'puts 2**20' from command line OK
> * Installed printer drive for my HP LaserJet by going to
> Swift->Preferences->HPLIP toolbox.
> * Ran LO Draw. Created a test page. Tried to get a Print Preview - had
> to be in web browser. Not the best of experiences. Printed it OK.
> * Ran Firefox. Viewed www.theregister.co.uk <http://www.theregister.co.uk>
> * Installed Google Chromium web browser. Viewed www.nextplatform.com
> <http://www.nextplatform.com> OK
> Command line tests:-
> ! man mkdir failed - command man not found
> * ri command worked but had to install ruby2.3-doc to get any useful
> info about Ruby
> * Installed emacs. Created a simple Ruby script file and
> itlubuntu-restricted-addons installed OK worked OK.
> * Using bash, tested keyboard for key programming keys using the echo
> command - @|<>~# - OK
> ! There was no HP panel icon. Rebooted and it appeared. However,
> clicking on it did nothing. Would have expected printer name to be listewd.
> * GIMP 2.8 success! Previous problem - not seeing the "Layers...
> Brushes" right hand side window fixed.
> * Installed and ran W-iFi radar OK.
> * Got another error window about MS Core fonts not being available to
> download
> * Ran System Information OK
> HTH,
> Ian
> --
> -- ACCU - Professionalism in programming - http://www.accu.org
> -- My writing - https://sites.google.com/site/ianbruntlett/
> -- Free Software page -
> https://sites.google.com/site/ianbruntlett/home/free-software

Hi Ian,

Please confirm the bug report about man


by stating 'affects me too'! By the way, I think this problem affects 
only the alternate installer, not the desktop installer. Do you think so 

If you create bug reports about what you have found, please let us know 
and let us know, so that we can confirm your bug reports :-)

Best regards

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