[lubuntu-devel] Fwd: Yakkety Yak (16.10) Final Beta Freeze

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 21:32:31 UTC 2016


Been a bit busy with RL. However, I did find time to download Yakkety-Yak
beta-2 alternate i386. It's late, so bear with me.

The install went smoothly on my Samsung NC10 NetBook but seemed to pause
for a long time when "tidying up" towards the end of the install.

For more details about my NC10, see

I used Synaptic Package Manager to install LibreOffice, GIMP and emacs.

* LibreOffice Writer's window looks better and the bug that saw "File Edit
... Help" has gone away.

* GIMP. The right-hand menu, "Layers and Brushes" is almost completely off
the right hand side of the screen. To fix it, start GIMP, right-click on
the top of the "Layers and Brushes" window (you should see a menu with
options like "Minimise, Maximise, Move, Resize" etc) and select "Move".

* Command line - man command not accessible.

* Installed emacs. The missing icon based toolbar is still missing.

Time for hot chocolate then bed :)


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