[lubuntu-devel] Spreadsheet for testing RAM for installing. Was: Re: non pae

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 10:36:33 UTC 2016

Hi Henk and other Lubuntu users, who want to test installing with low RAM,

I see what you mean. I was testing last night with my Toshiba with Intel 
i5. It is usually working fast, Lubuntu can be completely installed 
within a couple of minutes.

But when I approached the low RAM limit, I had to wait for 3-4 minutes 
for the first Ubiquity window to appear.

Below the limit, I did not even get any wallpaper after 6 minutes, so I 
decided that it did not work.

I attached a modified spreadsheet with some test results from last 
night. I found a difference:

Lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS desktop i386 can be installed with 224 MB RAM

Lubuntu Xenial daily desktop i386 can be installed with 256 MB RAM

Maybe we should state a limit:

Select 'Install Lubuntu' and set the boot option mem=xxxM and press the 
Enter key. If the first window of the installer does not appear within 5 
minutes, we can consider that there is too low RAM for the installer to 

Maybe we should suggest more patience, for example 10 minutes. What do 
*you* think?

Best regards

Den 2016-03-13 kl. 10:53, skrev Henk Terhell:
> I have some difficulty understanding what the limit is for 'stop
> working'.  I experienced very long processing of the DVD with mem=224M
> and I finally stopped it manually.
> But it may have succeeded with enough patience (or until the DVD drive
> is crashing!).
> Henk
> Op 2016-03-12 om 21:37 schreef Nio Wiklund:
>> Hi Phill and everybody else,
>> Please look at the attached spreadsheet and suggest improvements :-)
>> Best regards
>> Nio
>> Den 2016-03-11 kl. 20:35, skrev Phill. Whiteside:
>>> Hi Nio,
>>> we have until 22nd March before B2 testing, so if you'd be so kind as to
>>> draft up some instructions I'll set up a mini-page as a spreadsheet so
>>> volunteers can record results. I think such a thing will also be
>>> invaluable as we move to wards dual running with LXQt so we have a
>>> common set of benchmarks to test against.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Phill.
>>> On 11 March 2016 at 18:41, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:nio.wiklund at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Phill,
>>>     The kernel has increased in size and it needs more RAM than before.
>>>     Maybe systemd also means that Lubuntu needs more RAM than before. In
>>>     order to know the exact figures, I think someone really needs to
>>>     test it (which does take time to perform).
>>>     I am quite busy nowadays. Maybe we can ask someone (else) to do it.
>>>     I can help by describing how to do it (and to get some kind of
>>>     comparison between Xenial and Trusty).
>>>     Best regards
>>>     Nio
>>>     Den 2016-03-11 kl. 18:24, skrev Phill. Whiteside:
>>>         Thanks Nio,
>>>         I've prepped up the +1 page 'Advanced Methods' page for our
>>> upcoming
>>>         16.04 LTS [1]. From my reading of the page, it is mainly to see
>>>         if there
>>>         has been further 'RAM creep' for the minimum required from 14.04
>>>         to 16.04.
>>>         Comments from you (and everyone else) greatly appreciated.
>>>         Regards,
>>>         Phill.
>>>         1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods+1

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