more good feedback on mkusb from GCI

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Mon Jan 4 06:55:25 UTC 2016

Den 2016-01-04 kl. 00:34, skrev Walter Lapchynski:
> Today, another Google Code-In student completed the task of testing
> mkusb. Here's what they had to say:
>     I've installed mkusb from stable ppa and my experience was somewhat
>     painless. Everything went well, I've tested live usb - it worked.
>     However after booting up Ubuntu again from my hard disk I was
>     greeted with the message that Ubuntu had an internal problem -
>     apparently zenity has stopped working. I was unsure how to deal with
>     this so I just sent the crash report. Also, I have suggestion for
>     mkusb and I'm unsure where should I post it (and if it is possible
>     at all). My suggestion is that mkusb should tell you if you typed
>     the wrong password and not present the exactly same window. It
>     should be something like in software center or synaptic (these are
>     the only exapmles on top of my head right now). I ran mkusb on
>     Ubuntu 15.10 64 bit and iso that I installed was Ubuntu 15.10 64 bit
>     as well.
> That being said, I look forward to getting mkusb in the repos so we can
> make it our default! 
> -- 
> @wxl |
> Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer

Hi Walter,

Please tell the Google Code-In student to get in direct contact with me
via mail :-)

Best regards

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