more good feedback on mkusb from GCI

Walter Lapchynski wxl at
Mon Jan 4 02:38:32 UTC 2016

[mkusb][1] has been mentioned here before, having been developed by
community member Nio Wikland (sudodus).

mkusb is meant to be a solution to the lack of a reliable and usable
startup disk creator based on the almighty GNU `dd` command.  The hope that
we have is that we can get it into Debian and then Ubuntu will
automatically sync it down. Then we can make it the default for Lubuntu! At
least, I support that idea.

BTW this task on GCI exists because of [our last IRC meeting][2].


On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Simon Quigley <sqawesome99 at> wrote:

> Could you shed some light on what mkusb is, for the people(like me) who
> don't know what it is?
> --
> *Have a nice day,*
> *Simon Quigley*
> *tsimonq2*
> *Contact for the Ubuntu US Wisconsin LoCo Team*
> *Lubuntu Contributor*

@wxl |
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